Feldenkrais® can broaden awareness, spark the imagination and help an individual gain a clearer self-image, leading to a feeling of wellness physically, emotionally and mentally. Click here to find out more...

Revive your inherent knowledge of movement to Inspire a new generation of healthy beautiful dancers! Workshops, articles,
guest teaching and more! Click here...

Photo by Lenny Foster

Check out our current workshops and Advanced Trainings! Click here for details...

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"Fabulous!!! I wish more teachers would be exposed to the ideas presented ... I think that injuries would be reduced, dancers would find the freedom to express themselves and the artistry of ballet and other forms of dance would grow. The emphasis of respecting the individual (student) but still giving them what they need to have 'proper ballet technique' is unique and valuable ... having attended four consecutive years I know how valuable the information is. Every year I learn something new!" - Heidi Gucinski Menocal, MD
Click here for more testimonials...

Prisca Winslow
PO Box 2714
Taos, New Mexico 87571
phone 575.779.7169
email info@moveintobalance.com


The terms Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement®, Functional Integration®, and the Feldenkrais® logo are registered service marks of the FELDENKRAIS GUILD® of North America. Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher(SM) and Guild Cerified Feldenkrais Practitioner(SM) are certification marks of the FELDENKRAIS GUILD® of North America.