WELCOME The Feldenkrais Method® is a deeply profound way of learning about yourself through the use of movement. Developed over a period of 40 years by Physicist, Engineer, Judo Master and Educator, Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. (1904-1984), it is presented in two modalities. Both individual hands-on Functional Integration® lessons and Awareness Through Movement® group classes access the innate intelligence of our Central Nervous System and it's brilliant capacity for self-correction and infinite improvement. Feldenkrais® practitioners are trained to bring awareness to what you are actually doing and gently guide you to expand your repertoire of movements, both subtle and dramatic so you may discover the most appropriate coordinated action for any given moment. Breathing, turning, jumping, responding to others, learning a new skill, refining skills you have done for years...any action imaginable can be improved. Developing awareness of what we are actually doing, and learning to do what we want rather than automatically responding in our habitual ways opens us to fuller, more comfortable, productive lives. |
"I came home relaxed and full of ideas ... thank you for a superb workshop! I learned completely new things ... I learned about the importance of the chest and the ribcage for movements of pelvis and legs, which I consider very important for my form of dancing and my teaching. The whole experience was like and intense working body and mind on holiday." - Anne-Lore Zimmerman, Germany Click here for more testimonials... Prisca Winslow PO Box 2714 Taos, New Mexico 87571 phone 575.779.7169 email info@moveintobalance.com |
HOME | FELDENKRAIS® | WORKSHOPS FOR A HEALTHY DANCEWORLD | IN THE NEWS | TESTIMONIALS | CONTACT & LINKS The terms Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement®, Functional Integration®, and the Feldenkrais® logo are registered service marks of the FELDENKRAIS GUILD® of North America. Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher(SM) and Guild Cerified Feldenkrais Practitioner(SM) are certification marks of the FELDENKRAIS GUILD® of North America. ∞ |